Wednesday 4 November 2015

Spontaneous Baking!

This is just going to be a little blogpost, I felt the need to document though.
I've been meaning to so some baking for a while and I wanted to have a crack and doing some free hand designs, so yesterday I spent about four hours making some simple cookie dough and cutting it out into various different shapes.
I was actually really chuffed with how most of them turned out!
Me and my brother sat in the dining room icing them all, chatting, laughing, watching TV, and it was just a nice chilled evening.

Doing things like this definitely make me realise that sometimes I just need to take the time to sit and do something fun. My job revolves a lot around being online, which means sitting at my laptop for very long periods of time and staring at a screen.
I just wanted to post a little reminder for my future self! Letting me know that these are the good times, these are the times that create memories and these are the times to be documented and cherished.
Working hard is fine, sometimes it has to be done. But making memories, as small as they may seem, is what will make you a happier person.

- Daisy X


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