Tuesday 26 April 2016

Mrs Brimbles' #CambsPlannerCon Event! April 2016

On Saturday I attended the Cambs Mini Planner Con event in St.Neots, hosted by Anna from Mrs Brimbles
I was slightly terrified, but also very excited. Last week was a crazy one for me, I had family visiting, and also the internet decided to play silly buggers on Thursday and it was un-useable until Sunday. So of course my anxiety levels were pretty high before Saturday rolled around. I wasn't going to miss this though!
The event started at 12 noon, and being a Saturday there were no buses to town. I had to ask my dad to drop me in before he started work, which meant a fun 4:45am wake up time for me, and getting the train to London at 6:50am. Once I was at Victoria station, I decided to have a nosey in the shops and ended up buying a few things in HEMA (hehe oops).
After a couple of hours of dossing about the station and wasting time, I then met up with Geraldine (from Geraldine Jayne) and Charlie (from Sea Salt & Paper)! Both of these lovely ladies are members of Anna's Design Team, and both of them I'd never met before!!
We got on our train to St.Neots and managed to miss the stop because we were too busy nattering! Bear in mind though the train didn't do the talking thing, nor did it have the scrolling info above the doorways that all southern trains have, so I'm going to blame it on that haha.
We got off at the next stop and went back, and eventually we made it to the event!

When we got there, there was already a load of people there. We found some empty seats and got our planners out! I decided to take my Lyradori and my Geometric Filofax, I thought there would be a lot of the new Websters Pages TN's there, so I went for something a little different. 
The first part of the event was spent chatting to everyone and finding out what planners people at brought with them. Anna also brought tons of stuff from her shop with her, so lots of people were having a nosey and buying bits and pieces.

We then had Geraldine & Anna's talks, which were incredibly inspiring. I'm pretty sure everyone came away from the event with something new they wanted to try! You can watch Geraldine's talk here & Anna's talk here.
I didn't manage to talk to as many people as I'd have liked to whilst I was there, because it was a very jammed packed event! But I did get to talk to a few lovely ladies. There were a lot of shop owners there too, who were handing out business cards, and I also received this little sticker sample sheet from Small Stuff Creations, which is just adorable. You should definitely check out her shop, she sells teeny weeny stickers! Perfect if you are a pocket planner user!

There were of course goody bags that were given out at the event, us DT members goody bags were a little different to everyone else's, Anna knew we wouldn't mind having a little less in ours, and a lot of the goodies in there were things from past Brimbles boxes so we would most likely already have them. I thought it was a great that Anna had done that for the goody bags, if anyone missed out of previous Brimbles Boxes, it's like they got a little sample from each!

These were the other bits and pieces I got at the event. There was a letter from Hannah (which, if you are reading this Hannah, thank you so much!!). There's also the business cards I received from Sticker Sunshine & Stitch N Weave, and all the washi sample swaps I chose! I brought 41 samples with me, but gave most of my tickets away because I definitely didn't need 41 back haha. I just picked up a few that I didn't already have, I did keep four tickets incase I wanted to go back later and have another nosey, but I didn't have any time to. But that does mean I can pop them in my journal so it's all good!

I didn't manage to get many selfies with people, so I've had to nick a couple of photo's from Geraldine! I don't know why but I'm not the type of person who's great at whipping out a camera for selfies, I just never remember to. I think my brain is going a mile a minute at this sort of event, so after I've managed to put sentences together my brain just forgets about everything else haha.
Anyways I'm glad there were some people on the ball, and snapped some photos!

This was our table at the event, minus Geraldine (who is taking the photo) & Charlie (who had to rush off for her train!) I'm pretty sure by this point my brain was turning off, and a lot of people had started to head home. At one point I did feel a panic attack coming on, surprisingly not because of the talking/social aspect, but just the hot, crowded room. I managed to prevent/suppress it, but boy have I been feeling the after math of that over the past couple of days. Overall I did really enjoy the event, and I would definitely attend another one of these, hopefully next time I'll get to talk to more people!!

Massive hugs, claps, and woo wooooo's, for Anna & Jon for pulling it all off, and making the afternoon thoroughly lovely!

- Daisy X



  1. Looks like a really fun day! Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you are feeling less anxious now x

  2. This is a great post! The Cambs Planner Con sounds like a fantastic event and you got some lovely things in your goodie bag :)

