Friday 25 March 2016

Spring Pocket Letter, Brimbles Box Special!

Can we say 'Spring has sprung' yet?! Are we officially there? Well spring definitely sprung on this Pocket Letter I made!
If you saw my video on Monday (It'll be at the bottom of this blogpost if you missed it!), then you would have seen that this month most of the ladies in the Mrs Brimbles Design Team are taking part in a blog hop (makes sense, bunnies and all!!). 
We used most of the contents of our Brimbles Boxes from March to create some happy mail for one another. I was creating a pocket letter for the lovely Charlie from Sea Salt & Paper!
I'm going to talk through my thought process when creating this pocket letter, if you want to know where all the supplies are from, then take a look at the description on the video, as I listed them all there!

Top Row
So to start things off, in the top left pocket I used part of a Belle & Boo postcard for the backing card. It had a really cute section to write the address on, so I decided to have that side facing forwards. I added some brown twine along the edge as there was a large blank space next to it.

The middle card is part of the postcard from the Brimbles Box, I felt so bad chopping this bunny in half, but I think it turned out looking really nice. Postcards are a nice addition to Pocket Letters as they don't involve too much decorating, of course it'd be a bit boring if you used postcards in all of the pockets. But every now and again it's a good plan if you are struggling with what to fill a pocket with. I also added some of the felt flower shapes to the front, and put a few more of the felt shapes in the back.

The last pocket on this row is a washi pocket! For the backing card I used some packaging from the Belle & Boo letter set, and I wrapped the actual washi tape around some of the packaging from the packet of felt shapes! I put another card with washi tape on in the back of the pocket and added a bit of brown twine to the top so it pokes out.

Middle Row
I used the same pink backing card for the pocket on the left, I decided to use this card a couple of times as I thought the colours were perfect, and as I was going to have a lot going on as it is, I didn't want to add too many different colours into the mix. I made this pocket into a sticker pocket, and added some of the stickers I was putting in the pocket, to the front along with some washi tape for decoration.

The middle pocket was the pocket I had the actual letter in. I chose to use more of the Belle & Boo writing set packaging for this! I debated whether to stick it to some other patterned card, but decided to leave it by itself and have a little see through window instead! I folded up the letter, decorated it, and added that in.

The last pocket on this row was a paperclip pocket. I used the other half of the postcard I used in the first pocket on the first row, as the backing card. But this time I had the front showing. I tried a couple of ways to attach the paperclips, but this way worked the best. I simply stapled a strip of card to the backing card and folded it over, then I just clipped on the paperclips.

Bottom Row
I added another sticker pocket on this pocket letter, I feel like you really can't go wrong with stickers! I'd used a few stickers from this sticker pad on the actual pocket letter, so it made sense to send some in the pocket. The backing card in this pocket, again, was some of the card from the felt shapes packaging!

This middle pocket I decided to try something new. These carrot tags came in the Brimbles Box, and I wasn't sure what to do with them. I did think about painting one, and then I had a pretty simple idea of punching out some shapes in the colours of carrots! I actually didn't have any orange paper to hand, so I used part of a colour guide booklet I'd recently picked up from Homebase. I'm actually really happy with how this turned out, it kind of acts a bit like a shaker pocket!

In this last pocket I added some twine and ribbon. I stapled some 'samples' of the different things I'd included in this pocket to the front of the card, and then on the outer plastic of the pocket I stuck down some washi and stickers for decoration.

This is what the front & back of the finished pocket letter looks like! I really enjoyed challenging myself to use mostly things from my Brimbles Box, I think I did quite well. I tried out some new techniques, and overall I think it looks super Springy!
I added some yellow twine along the left hand side and also going across the bottom section in a bow. This is something that's easy to add to a pocket letter and definitely helps to make that left hand side a little less bare. 

I folded up the pocket letter and added a little bit of ribbon, along with this adorable bunny die cut I got from Noodoll. I've been hoarding him for a while, and haven't been sure what to do with him, so I'm glad he is now going to do a bit of travelling!

If you want to see the process video of how I put this pocket letter together, from start to finish, then you can do so here:

Don't forget to head over to Charlie's blog HERE, and have a look at what she created!! Here's a little sneak peak for you:

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I did for this fun little Easter blog hop! 
You can find links to all the blogposts in the blog hop on Anna's post which is HERE
Also don't forget to give them all a follow whilst you are over there! They are all wonderfully creative ladies, and run such lovely blogs.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend, whatever you end up doing!

- Daisy X



  1. I absolutely love this pocket letter, it's so happy! I love how you managed to reuse a lot of packaging etc. so good for the environment!! :)

    How you did the shaker pocket with the carrot is super creative :D

  2. everything from the pocket letter to the carrot is super amazing and you are very talented. This talent must not waste and should reach higher levels.
